Porta Soprana Towers: symbol of the Europe’s largest medieval Old Town.
In 1892, D’Andrade freed them from the – piled over the centuries – Renaissance houses. They are the gate of Ianua city, as stated in the epigraph of the 1100 placed in the south of the monument.
Porta Soprana and Genoa: that is Janus, the god of doors either public or private, represented with two opposites faces to look at opposites directions (entrance and exit).
Genoa identifies itself into its Towers, build to defend an independence with their real and mithologic value.
Build in 1155: one of the first example of Gothic Art, which may hyde a more popular meaning, like truth spreading out of people mouth .
If, through the distortion of the word argothic, we relate between them gothic e goethic, the language which drenches the Towers stones could be a clear and sublime art which speaks to everyone souls. A Book, made of words carved out of the stone, phrases in bass-relief and thoughts in ogives.